Can Your Business Handle Another RECESSION?

The next

'Recession Proof' challenge

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The next

'Recession Proof' challenge

Let's build your...

  • - Retirement plan

  • - Legacy wealth

  • - Database of clients who know, like and trust you

join The Challenge now for a one-time discounted payment of Only $100

The next

'Recession Proof' challenge

join The Challenge now for a one-time discounted payment of Only $100

join The Challenge now for a one-time discounted payment of Only $200

The next

'Recession Proof' challenge

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Join the Challenge now!

join The Challenge now for a one-time discounted payment of Only $100

Freedom Comes From Being

Freedom Comes

From Being



From: Gualter Amarelo


What does 'Recession Proof' mean for you...?

For everyone it's different...

For some of you, you're in a job that you hate, and you're trying to get out.

For others, you are entrepreneurs with your own company... but you're stuck, and you're not sure why.

And for others of you, you're looking for that one Connection that will help you to have more impact on the world!

Before I share with you MY GOAL for this 'Recession Proof' challenge for YOU... let me ask you a few questions...

Please Answer All Of The Questions Honestly!

Do you want to grow your business online, but you have NO IDEA where to start?

Do you have a company that's been successful, but for some reason you're feeling stuck?

Do you want direct live access to experts who can help you with your lead funnels, strategy offer, marketing, sales, and ANY question you have? 

Are you trying to figure out a way to reach more people, or have a bigger impact on the world?

Are you convinced that you need a better network, but you aren't quite sure what steps to take?

Are you about to launch your next business, and want to make sure it's a huge success!?!

If you Answered "YES" To Any Of The Questions above, then I want to invite you to join the 'Recession Proof' challenge and change your business forever!

So, Here Is How The Challenge Works...

The challenge costs $200 to join.  This covers your materials during the challenge.

(More info on this below).

100 dollar bill

With the Recession-Proof Challenge, we could easily charge $2000+ for the full 21-DAY challenge…

Probably even $3,000, or more, but...

All You Pay Is $200! 

Then In Exchange For That Tiny $200 Investment, You Get ALL Of This:

  • ‘One Funnel Away’ Coaching With Two Comma Club Coaches Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian ($997 Value)

  • Customized 30-Day Plan & Daily Action Steps ($247 Value)

  •  One Funnel Away Challenge Kit - Includes:

* One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook ($97 Value) * MP3 Player With Recordings Of The FIRST One  Funnel Away challenge ($297 Value) * BONUS - "30 Days" Hardcover Book ($97 Value)

BONUS #1 - Unlimited Lifetime Access To “30 Days” Interview Series ($197 Value)

If you want to build a business that will survive and thrive in ANY ECONOMY, then this is the mission we’re giving you...

  • 21 Days of Video Coaching/Missions developed by Gualter Amarelo ($997 Value)

  • 21 Days of Live Coaching with Our Alchemist Impact Coaches! ($997 Value)

  • Get the New "One Pager" Digital Workbook for Each Mission! ($247 Value)

  • Access to the Recession Proof Challenge Virtual Group ($97 Value)

  • BONUS: 30-Day FREE Trial to Alchemist Connect Platform ($97 Value)

You have 21 Days

Do YOU Accept?

Need More Information Before You Make Your Decision...? 

Let Me Break Down All The Awesome Stuff You'll Get When You Join The Challenge Today!

The First Thing you’ll

get access to is the...



Led by your local Alchemist Impact Coach and The ‘Recession-Proof’ Consulting Team, this challenge is designed to help you build a recession-proof business in just 5 days…

Step #1

"The Strategy"

Each day, you will receive a new mission designed by Gualter Amarelo.  

These zoom calls will be about 30 minutes long, and will give you the strategy you have to master for each step you need for success. 

You will have the ability to network with and ask questions to our coaches as well as others who are also going through the challenge with you!

Step #2

"The Tactics"

After the stream ends, you will be given a mission document with the exact step by step tactics you need to implement to complete that step. 

There will be videos showing HOW to implement the strategy as well as a digital workbook to help keep everything clear!

These missions will take between 30-60 minutes to complete each day. 

Step #3


Not only do you get 21 DAYS of assignments designed to explode your business, you also get LIVE COACHING SESSIONS DAILY!

On these special live trainings, you get to pick our brains and ask ANY question you have about your lead funnels, strategies, your offer, tech challenges, you name it.

It’s like having your very own DEDICATED SUPPORT TEAM.

Lead Trainer Russell

"The Strategist"

Russell will train you with NEW videos created and structured for this specific challenge. He’ll lay the solid groundwork, so you can master the CORE fundamentals and strategy behind your customized 30-day plan.

It’s important to not just do the daily tasks, but to understand the “bigger picture” of what you’re doing over the 30 days, and why.

OFA EXPERT Consulting Team

"The Transformers"

Our ‘One Funnel Away’ expert consultants are here to help guide you through TWO KEY AREAS that are critical for success... 

EXECUTION: We’ll walk you through the process and the “how to” of turning Russell’s daily strategies (and your abstract customized 30-day plan) into an actual funnel that’s built, and up and running.

This is the PIVOTAL phase where you implement everything Russell teaches you in his strategies, and your online business starts to transform from a “vision” or “idea”, into reality.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Jump on LIVE sessions 3X per week with our expert OFA consultants, where you can stay accountable, and get your questions answered if you need extra help on completing your daily tasks.

Consider your OFA consultants a team of supportive (but no-excuses) accountability partners! They’re not afraid to “hold your feet to the fire” and make you stay accountable to getting your tasks DONE

OFA Support Team (EXCLUSIVE)

"The Tech-Wizards"

Our Exclusive OFA Support Specialists are available for you EVERY day during “open office hours”. That means, if you’re stuck or struggling with a tech, funnel, or integration issue, you can jump in and get your questions solved right away, so you can keep moving forward with your daily tasks! 

Here Is Your Mission,

(Should You Choose To Accept This Challenge…)

Your challenge is to TAKE ACTION and complete the tasks given to you,

every day for 21 DAYS 

Yes, there will be some prep-work involved…


Yes, there will be homework…

But every day, you’ll be taking steps toward building your business!  

Our only question for you is…

“Do YOU Have What It Takes?”

By the time the challenge is over, you will have a business that is RECESSION-PROOF!

This means that you will have the ability to generate a MASSIVE flow of leads to your business, regardless of the economic climate!

AND you’ll be able to turn those leads into customers who buy from you again and again.

The Recession Proof Challenge Is Different

The Recession-Proof Challenge is NOT just some “course” that you’ll never use…

It combines the right marketing KNOWLEDGE…

With the SHOVE you need to EXECUTE your funnel…

And a “no-excuses” ACCOUNTABILITY team of coaches who are caring and supportive, while making sure that you get your tasks done…

That’s the biggest challenge in getting your first (or next) funnel started…

It’s almost NEVER a lack of knowledge that’s the problem...

It’s a lack of EXECUTION

(or, not executing the right way).

As you can probably see, getting access to the 'Recession-Proof' challenge is like having my entire Recession-Proof Expert Consulting Team as your own personal coaches!  

The only difference is that you couldn't buy a 1-hour consulting call with us for $200.  

In fact, right now the CHEAPEST you can hire my consulting team is $5,000 for a day.  

So, to get 21 DAYS with all of us for just $200... is crazy!

Yet you get everything we talked about above for FREE when you join the 'Recession-Proof' challenge today! 

So, are you excited yet!?! If so, then NOW is the time to take action!

This Challenge Is NOT For Everyone! 

If you want to watch every day of the challenge, and say “Thanks, Gualter! That was some great info!” 

...but never actually do anything with it, that’s entirely up to you.

(But chances are, nothing will actually change in your business…If that’s what you want to do, then this challenge is probably not for you).


If you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do just a little bit of work for 21 days…

If you want to be trained daily by Gualter Amarelo's trained coaches, and have them PULL you in the right direction...

If you need a good hard PUSH from a coach who will hold you accountable, and make sure that you get these tasks DONE (no excuses!)...

Then we invite you to accept the ‘Recession-Proof’ Challenge and start building a business that is truly recession-proof!

So, What's The Catch...?

We're doing this challenge because we KNOW that when you have success with setting up your business, you're more likely to continue to use our CRM and other software to grow your company... 

That's it... that's our "evil" ulterior motive - for you to have success so you keep using our software that is giving you that success.  

Plus, we also pay our affiliates who refer people to this challenge $100 for anyone they signup. Chances are you found out about this page from one of those affiliates. So, we actually lose money for each person who joins the challenge. 

And the few of you who signup without an affiliate telling you about this challenge, you probably found out about it because we paid for an ad on Facebook or Youtube to get you here.

Either way, WE REALLY make very little, and in most cases lose money for each person who joins this challenge. 

So, why would we do this? 

Because we have a philosophy here at Alchemist Nation, that if we can't make you money, then we don't deserve any of yours.  

So our goal is to help you make money... then hopefully you'll chose to re-invest some of those profits back into the products and services that we sell.  

Does that sound more then fair? :)

Why Time Is Of The Essence...

The next challenge is starting VERY SOON! 

If this page is open, it means that the challenge is still open for registrations, but it will be closing down soon. 

And if you're wondering... well, can't I just take the challenge next time it opens up?  

Well, the answer is MAYBE...

I'm not sure if or when the next challenge will be...

But, more importantly, what about the people you could have served with your products or services that won't have a chance to hear about them, because you waited to launch your next funnel! 

There is an old Chinese proverb that says, "the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago... but the 2nd best time, is NOW."

NOW is the best time for you to take the 'Recession Proof' challenge. 

Is There A Guarantee?

Of course... :) 

I guarantee that if you participate in the challenge, show up to ALL the daily live calls, implement what you learn, by the time the challenge is done, you will have a solid understanding of the core fundamentals of building a business that will THRIVE in every economic climate. 

If for some reason you don't feel like that is true, then you can email our support team within 21 days and receive a full refund of $200. 

Pretty simple.  

But if you're like most people, this experience will change your business (and for some of you, it'll change your life!)

Here's What To Do Next...

From here it's just finalizing the details. Click on the button below and create your account, then we can finally get started!   

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and watching the video and I look forward to hearing your success story at the end of the challenge!

Gualter Amarelo

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

When you join the "Recession-Proof" challenge today (for just $200) I'm going to give you a FREE 30-Day Trial to Alchemist Connect - Our powerful CRM that is the true engine behind everything we do!

Oh, and if for some crazy reason you don't love the challenge - Email us and we'll refund your $200.  

Sound fair? Then what are you waiting for!?!  Join the "Recession-Proof" challenge today!

  • ‘One Funnel Away’ Coaching With Two Comma Club Coaches Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian ($997 Value)

  • Customized 30-Day Plan & Daily Action Steps ($247 Value)

  •  One Funnel Away Challenge Kit - Includes:

* One Funnel Away Challenge Workbook ($97 Value) * MP3 Player With Recordings Of The FIRST One  Funnel Away challenge ($297 Value) * BONUS - "30 Days" Hardcover Book ($97 Value)

BONUS #1 - Unlimited Lifetime Access To “30 Days” Interview Series ($197 Value)

BONUS #2 - Two Comma Club Funnel EXCLUSIVE Interview Pack ($197 Value)

If you want to build a business that is truly recession-proof, then this is the mission we’re giving you...

You have 21 Days

Do YOU Accept?

Join The ‘Recession-Proof’ Challenge Today!

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